Diocese of Rupert's Land • Anglican Church of Canada
Serving God
and the community
since 1889
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St. Luke’s Mission and Outreach activities
St. Luke’s parish has a deep concern for the suffering and injustice of our world,
and has found a number of ways to reach out and make a difference.
Click on the activity titles below to reveal more information.
Hospitality Drop-in
In what has become a community mainstay and resource hub outreach in Winnipeg for our vulnerable and marginalized population, every Tuesday morning from September to June, St. Luke’s doors open at 7:00 am, and as many as ninety people from the neighbourhood file in. Everyone is welcome whether living on the street, or just needing a helping hand.
There are muffins and hot breakfast items to eat, and the coffee is hot and plentiful. In addition to food, toiletries, personal hygiene items, and warm clothing (when available) are distributed. Community grocery store gift cards are given out.
Several volunteer parishioners make every effort to ensure that all our guests feel at home. Some of our guests are ‘regulars’, some are just passing through, but for the next hour they all enjoy a relaxed visit in a warm and friendly place.
On the streets, St. Luke’s is seen as a safe place, a good neighbour, welcoming to all, and a place of peace.
We need and appreciate any contribution towards this program, big or small. Donations are tax-receiptable, and can be made online right here (in the place where it says, ‘Fund/Designation’, select ‘Tuesday Hospitality fund’).
Our Partner Parish in Uganda
St. Luke's is linked to a 'companion' or partner parish in Diocese of Central Buganda, Uganda, Africa: Lwanga parish, consisting of a main church of St. Peter, and six satellite churches in the surrounding villages. The parish is part of the Mpigi Archdeaconry.
Their pastor, the Rev. Patrick Wakooko, bicycles to a nearby urban centre where he is able to send us E-Mails from time to time. He invites us to pray for his parish council, for the disabled, for youth and vulnerable children, and for some retired clergy and their wives. He rejoices to say that his parish has recently been able to purchase two bicycles for the lay readers to use as they travel between the villages of the parish. Lwanga parish is currently fund-raising to purchase a 'boda-boda' – a small motorcycle – for Rev. Wakooko.
We will update this section with news and photos as more information is received.
Our Ugandan Children
It is said that there are over 1.8 million orphans in Uganda.
Parents have been killed by HIV / AIDS, or the civil war, or (to a lesser extent) malaria. Relatives try to look after the children, with some households having 15 or even 20 little ones to care for.
Basic needs can perhaps be met, but it is impossible for the community to provide this great tide of children with even the most rudimentary education. It costs over $100 per year to send one child to primary school; $300 per year for secondary school.
St. Luke’s supports a school programme which raises money in this diocese for distribution to the Ugandan children by the Diocese of Central Buganda (through participating parish clergy and headmasters).
You can help. Any contribution will be greatly appreciated, and can even be made online right here (in the place where it says, 'Fund/Designation', select 'Mission & Outreach', and, in the message line, mention 'Ugandan Orphans'). Alternatively, you can send a cheque to St. Luke's, 130 Nassau St. N., Winnipeg, MB, R3L 2H1. Indicate on the MEMO line of your cheque that the gift is for 'Ugandan Orphans'.
Haiti Orphans and Students
The devastation caused by the earthquake in January, 2010 sent ripples of sympathy throughout the world. Our parishioners responded with great concern and kindness, for we were able to send funds within one week of the earthquake, followed a month later with a second cheque.
We delivered boxes of prescription medications and supplies to the States in March, October, and December 2010. They have to be taken across the border as the boxes contain prescription drugs for sick infants at God’s Littlest Angels. Our rector, Fr. Paul, has been so good in providing letters for customs officials at the border.
We continue to sponsor five students for school in Haiti. We receive copies of some of their school reports - our students have passed their grades and we continue to support their education. Further results, information, and photos will be posted here when available.
Funds continue to be raised, through occasional sales and through direct contribution. You can help. Any contribution will be greatly appreciated, and can be made online right here (in the place where it says, 'Fund/Designation', select 'Mission & Outreach', and, in the message section, mention 'Haiti Orphans'). Alternatively, you can send a cheque to St. Luke's, 130 Nassau St. N., Winnipeg, MB,
R3L 2H1. Indicate on the MEMO line of your cheque that the gift is for 'Haiti Orphans'.
Other Projects
Every Sunday St. Luke's makes a gift of food to Winnipeg Harvest, our city food bank. Non-perishable items, brought by members of the congregation, are put into a basket, which is then offered at the altar during worship (along with the bread and wine, and the weekly financial offerings). Later in the week, a volunteer delivers these items to the food bank. (Reminder: please do not put perishable goods (meat, produce, etc.), expired canned goods or opened items (rice, tea, powdered juices) into the food hamper.)
In Advent each year, St. Luke's collects White Gifts to be given at the children's Christmas party of the St. Matthew's Maryland Community Ministry. As well, these White Gifts have been augmented in recent years by toiletry treats for the parents.
Individual St. Luke's parishioners support the Primate's World Relief and Development Fund (PWRDF), and devote much time to city and diocesan mission and justice initiatives.
From time to time St. Luke's prepares and serves a meal during Habitat for Humanity’s 'Blitz Build' week. E-Mail for more information, and to volunteer.
The parish has a Mission and Outreach Committee which promotes, supports, and monitors all the projects described on this page.
The Parish Church of St. Luke
130 Nassau Street North
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Canada R3L 2H1
© 2024 The Rector and Corporation
of The Parish Church of St. Luke