Diocese of Rupert's Land • Anglican Church of Canada
Serving God
and the community
since 1889
To make a secure online donation to St. Luke’s, click HERE.
Welcome to St. Luke’s…
We welcome all those who come
through our doors - as web site visitors,
or as visitors to our services.
Worship Services -
Sundays: every 2nd week:
8:15 a.m. - Said Eucharist
Sundays: every week:
10:15 a.m. - Sung Eucharist or
Sung Mattins
Online Services -
Video recordings of services
are available on our Facebook page
and on our YouTube page.
Parish Newsletter
To subscribe to our
weekly newsletter,
sent via E-Mail,
click HERE,
or use the QR code →
Upcoming Events
2nd March - 4:00 p.m.
A reception will follow
in Church House
All are most welcome!
Share Your Story. Live Jesus’ Story.
God is calling the Parish of St. Luke to shine with Christ’s light in acts of praise and reconciling love:
to be a caring, connected, yet diverse, community of faith:
- By sustaining a diverse community in which everyone and their talents and gifts are cherished and appreciated;
- By building and growing trusting and loving relationships;
- And by forming and equipping intentional disciples for Christian ministry.
We acknowledge that we meet and work in the Treaty One Land,
the traditional land of the Anishinaabe, Cree, and Dakota people, and the homeland of the Métis Nation.
We are grateful for their stewardship of this land and their hospitality
which allows us to live, work, and serve God the Creator here.
The Parish Church of St. Luke
130 Nassau Street North
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Canada R3L 2H1
© 2024 The Rector and Corporation
of The Parish Church of St. Luke